bottom_tab_bar, 用法和bottom_navigation_bar一样,但是新增了一些属性的用法
items : List<BottomTabBarItem>
bottom navigation bar 里面的 icon and title.
onTap : ValueChanged<int>
回调,带的是tab的index The callback that is called when a item is tapped.
The widget creating the bottom navigation bar needs to keep track of the current index and call setState
to rebuild it with the newly provided index.
currentIndex : int
The index into [items] of the current active item. 当前激活的是哪一个tab
type : BottomTabBarType
Defines the layout and behavior of a [BottomTabBar].
See documentation for [BottomTabBarType] for information on the meaning of different types.
fixedColor : Color
The color of the selected item when bottom navigation bar is [BottomTabBarType.fixed].
If [fixedColor] is null then the theme's primary color, [ThemeData.primaryColor], is used. However if [BottomTabBar.type] is [BottomTabBarType.shifting] then [fixedColor] is ignored.
iconSize : double
The size of all of the [BottomTabBarItem] icons.
See [BottomTabBarItem.icon] for more information.
[新增] isAnimation : bool
[新增] badgeColor : Color
[新增] isInkResponse : bool
按压水墨屏效果是否开启,默认是开启的, 还是带动画的,不太适合我们的正常项目
[新增] badge : Widget
[新增] badgeNo : String
How to Use?
first import dependeny in pubspec.yaml
dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter bottom_tab_bar: git:复制代码
class HomeState extends Statewith SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { TabController _tabController; int _selectedIndex = 1; String badgeNo1; var titles = ['home', 'video', 'find', 'smallvideo', 'my']; var icons = [ Icons.home, Icons.play_arrow, Icons.child_friendly, Icons.fiber_new, Icons.mic_none ]; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _tabController = new TabController(vsync: this, initialIndex: 1, length: titles.length); badgeNo1 = '12'; } void _onItemSelected(int index) { setState(() { _selectedIndex = index; badgeNo1 = ''; }); } final _widgetOptions = [ Text('Index 0: Home'), Text('Index 1: Video'), Text('Index 2: find someone'), Text('Index 3: small Video'), Text('Index 4: My'), ]; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('Bottom Tab Bar'), actions: [new Icon(Icons.photo_camera)], ), bottomNavigationBar: BottomTabBar( items: [ BottomTabBarItem( icon: Icon(icons[0]), title: Text(titles[0]), badgeNo: badgeNo1), BottomTabBarItem(icon: Icon(icons[1]), title: Text(titles[1])), BottomTabBarItem(icon: Icon(icons[2]), title: Text(titles[2])), BottomTabBarItem( icon: Icon(icons[3]), activeIcon: Icon(icons[3]), title: Text(titles[3])), BottomTabBarItem(icon: Icon(icons[4]), title: Text(titles[4])), ], fixedColor:, currentIndex: _selectedIndex, onTap: _onItemSelected, type: BottomTabBarType.fixed, isAnimation: false, isInkResponse: false, badgeColor:, ), body: Center( child: _widgetOptions.elementAt(_selectedIndex), ), ); }}复制代码